Oh thank goodness.
Info is summarized nicely at the Etsy Handmade Blog - Breaking News: The CPSIA Mandatory Testing & Certification Proposed 1 Year Suspension

Creations & curios. Not your grandma's stitchins.
Oh thank goodness.
Info is summarized nicely at the Etsy Handmade Blog - Breaking News: The CPSIA Mandatory Testing & Certification Proposed 1 Year Suspension
Welcome to the Etsy Dark Side. We are the roaming fox fires in the darkness, the sparkling mist in the ever shifting shadows, faerie rings flow in our wake. Come join us!
Today's Finder | by AbyssalGems ♦ $13.00 |
Not signed up with Etsy yet? For shame! Signing up is free and easy. Just click here & begin enjoying all the hand made, unique wonders Etsy has to offer. Don't forget to search the keyword "EtsyDarkTeam" ! | Day of the Dead - Dia de los Muertos Janis Joplin Skull Print by NatashaBlue ♦ $15.00 |
Come join the Dark Side | Gothic Nosferatu Vampire Horror Pendant by AgonysDecay ♦ $20.00 |
by WingsOfSin ♦ $60.00 | |
by Room3Designs ♦ $58.00 | by PerfidiousBeads ♦ $35.00 |
Black and White Flapper Lady Button Post Earrings by BellaLili ♦ $13.00 | by SMACART ♦ $200.00 |
by MrsEvils ♦ $35.00 | by HandmadeHorrors ♦ $10.00 |
Made any EtsyDarkTeam purchases lately? Let me know!
Don't forget to keep those reviews coming, my darklings.
Buyers are welcome to join in the fun, just send me your thoughts on your EtsyDarkTeam purchases with a link to the item(s) and I'll post the review!
Team members:
How to be included in the Etsy Dark Side Finds, you ask? Well hop onto our forum and join in the Exhibition run by SacredOak & HandmadeHorrors. Enter up to 3 items related to the current month's theme. (See the forum for more details)
Once a month I'll be choosing one item from each shop in the Exhibition to be promo'd here!
xx ~Static
The 200th anniversary of Edgar Allan Poe's birthday is in 2 days, Jan 19th!
In celebration, I'm offering 20% off ALL items in my shop between now and Jan 19th 2009, midnight CST!
In the "Message to Seller" be sure to mention "200EAP" and I will refund you the 20% (before s&h/tx) via Paypal.
(Sorry I only accept payment via Paypal.)
xx ~Static
Not signed up with Etsy yet? Well you should be! It's super easy and there so many amazing & unique items for your buying pleasure. Just click here.
Yes, getting custom requests can be frustrating but in the end they can be pretty fun too. I look at it this way, it keeps the rust off of the brain gears. I have schooling in clothing design, creating and many forms of art & craft but not once did I take any doll making courses. Sure I've read a lot of books and look up info on the net if I need to but there is a lot to be said for hands on learning. That said, it takes me forever to come up with a new pattern since I have to think in 3D and my mind does not work in the usual ways, so I am told. There are no creature-creating-forms, like a lovely convenient dressform, I could work off of unfortunately. It all has to come out of my discombobulated brain.
Why do I bring this all up? Well, I have a repeat customer that I absolutely love and dread requests from. This customer loves to only give me the absolute vaguest of descriptions such as "a bunny" and "a panda". But in being so vague I can make them however I see fit. I have an idea of this customers sense of humor, likes & dislikes so off I go right? One hang up, I have to do them from absolute scratch! So I pour over my books and think and think and stab at the paper and think some more. Finally, eventually I get it just right. Have I mentioned this customer is extremely patient and I'm a perfectionist? Hah, yes we're a good customer/creator match.
So without much more rambling here are my latest creations:
Big Ninja Bunny Foo & Spawn of Ling
Big Ninja Bunny Foo carries a grey felt throwing star & a felt carrot that doubles as a throwing knife (not pictured, sorry). Foo is made of squishy soft fleece with pose-able ears, felt nose & hand embroidered face.
Spawn of Ling has a hand stitched stick of tan & green felt bamboo. It can even be twisted to look like that novelty bamboo. Spawn of Ling is made of the same squishy soft fleece, has hand embroidered mouth, hand stitched felt eye patches and nose.
Big Ninja Bunny Foo also brought along a friend who now chases after my Scrap Bats. Meet Mini Ninja Bunny Foo:
As you can see he is still learning the ninja-ing thing and the Bats are still getting the better of him. He's also available for adoption!
So in the end, you see, it's all definitely worth it!
...is up against a doll by KimmerMonroe in a friendly competition this week on CafeHandmade.com!
You must vote! Please. I love you. Really.
The competition is at the bottom of this page:
RockerByeBaby was the winner last week so congrats to her!
Thanks in advance! ♥ xx ~Static
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