Friday, October 16, 2009

Lolita Style Outfit - In progress 2

Here is the most recent look of my muslin mockup festooned with Art Deco buttons & a bit of lovely embroidered scallop lace:

Loli Outfit - In Progress  Loli Outfit - In Progress

I was in a rush taking the pics and obviously (by the back pic) I missed that I didn't quite have the top situated correctly on the form. It DOES sit straight, I swear!

I've added the final piece's buttons and lace temporarily because it's easier for me to show my ideas than explain them :D. That, and I can try out any tweaks in trim, etc before I get to the good stuff.


Unknown said...

wow! I can't wait to see the final version! Are you making these to sell or just for yourself? It's gorgeous!

Static White said...

Thanks! Nope this is a custom request. It'll be an all white double breasted jacket with matching skirt. What's neat about it being all white is that the back lacing can be swapped out for different colors and underskirts can be worn to match :D
Hopefully when it's finished I'll get some pics of the the gal wearing it!

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