Today was a busy day of necessities shopping and laundry so I didn't get a whole lot of stitching done today, some prep work but not much else. I *did* create --aah, see what I did there?-- a couple of delicious somewhat healthy lunches for my hubby.
Mixed greens with carrots (from the bag) plus freshly chopped orange bell pepper, tomato & cucumber. So as not to make this just "rabbit food" for lunch I cooked up a breaded chicken patty, cut it up and sprinkled it over the top. YUM! Of course this gourmet lunch has to have a dressing, which I whipped up from scratch.

These are the portions I like, so be sure to adjust to your taste:
9 tbs virgin olive oil, 4 tbs balsamic vinegar, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp seasoned pepper, 1 tsp garlic powder. Shake.
The bottle is an old olive oil bottle which I love because it has a pouring stopper on the neck that I can remove for mixing and then put back when I'm ready to shake. It definitely helps keep the mess to a minimum. Not that I would make a mess or anything *whistles innocently*.
Damn, now I'm hungry.
xx ~Static
PS - I stubbed four toes in the writing of this post. No permanent damage, just thought I'd share.