Thursday, March 28, 2013

Create 365 - Day 79

Today is a day of YUM! I made lasagna. Here is a deliciously close pic...

Okay, so maybe I had to crop off my bad angle, whatevs. Anyway, this was at the point when I need to turn it because my oven likes to cook large things kind of lopsided as you can tell by the browning of the cheese. I don't remember where I picked up the recipe but there's tons to choose from online so you don't need mine. But, if you must have this one because it looks so scrumptious, just ask.

I also finished a candy colored ZomBunny today.

I haven't decided if I want it to be a "bloody" one or not yet but I'll think on it tomorrow. I'm wiped out and ready to fall on my face. Granted, I was up way before the sun.

Until tomorrow xx ~Static


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